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发布人:AIAIG   2023.06.25 07:32


越南房产投资分享会 Vietnam Real Estate Investment Seminar

热土越南,藏着哪些机遇与挑战? A Favorable Destination for Foreign Investors, What is Happening?

时间Time: 2023.07.08 13:30-17:00    
地点Location:新加坡卡尔顿酒店 Istana会议厅3 Carlton Hotel Singapore Istana Room 3


Vietnam's GDP growth rate rised to 8.02% in 2022. The GDP per capita is $4100 Vietnam's economy has shown resilience and is expected to continue its growth trajectory.!Hanoi tops country in FDI attraction in this year. It become a bright spot in foreign investment!Vietnam's real estate market continues to attract investors attention in 2023, What's the reason to invest property in Hanoi? How to invest in Hanoi?


主讲嘉宾 Speaker:越南首望地产创始人&CEO Founder & CEO of Dwell Group Vietnam
曾在财富500强房地产咨询公司世邦魏理仕任职高级经理 Worked for CBRE as Senior Manager

Over 12 year Experience in Overseas Real Estate Market.Specialized in Capital Raising and Project Development in Vietnamese property market

13:30-14:00:签到  Registration

14:00-14:30:2023年越南房产市场投资分析 Vietnam Property Market Outlook 2023
14:30-15:00:越南河内CBD热卖楼盘介绍 Introduction to Hanoi’s CBD Residential Project
15:00-17:00:越南房产投资问答环节 Vietnam property Investment Q&A    

Seats are limited and registration is Required